Exploring sustainable tourism in the heart of nature

21 december 2023

On 21 December, the Parc naturel régional de la Montagne de Reims, in collaboration with the Breda University of Applied Sciences, brought together 25 stakeholders for an inventory session.

The meeting focused on mobility. Participants from different sectors, including public institutions, transport companies, municipalities, destination management organisations and hotels, shared their insights. Good practices and inspiring examples presented by the BREDA team and the Agence Régionale du Tourisme Grand Est [ART GE] fostered an interesting exchange with their contributions to sustainable mobility.

Later in the day, the University of Breda team met with the ONF (Office National des Forêts) to discuss strategies for combining nature conservation, timber production and tourism development in public forests. During an informative visit to a wetland in Rilly-la-Montagne, the latest nature restoration work was presented in collaboration with the municipality and the national water authority.

This day was an important step towards implementing sustainable tourism solutions in the Park, focusing on soft mobility and responsible outdoor activities through nudging solutions!

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